By: Michael Francis D. Benjamin
Growing up in two universities where basketball is held as an integral part of college life and watching it live is really a heaven for many. A few days before another classic game between the “greens” and “blues”, a fellow researcher of mine seems anxious and almost trying to convince everyone to log-in to our website and purchase tickets for him. It’s rather a small favor from me, not being a super-fan, so I easily gave in to his request. We waited for hours, minutes, then seconds for the link “100 tickets left” to appear and try to as fast as we can scramble to get just one ticket. It’s like waiting for a supernatural event to happen in our midst. This is our goal for that hour! Then it came to last 2 minutes in the website counter. Everyone was excited at the same time nervous if we can get through hundreds of students and alumni who are eagerly waiting to purchase the online ticket. Last 10 seconds, and as the counter registered 0 second, the link disappeared and vanished in front of our eyes.
All of us had varying reactions-some gave humorous murmurs, others a sigh of despair and while many of us just went silent and resumed their individuals tasks. Suddenly, in a matter of seconds, shouts of jubilation reverberated in the room. “The link appeared!” they exclaimed. “Few tickets left” some added. As I went back to the page and try to hit the refresh button, to my dismay, “zero tickets left” flashed in the screen. The opportunity at hand was lost. I was almost there, I said to myself. If I didn’t give up for just a few seconds, I might have acquired one. This temporary delay caused me to be complacent and negligent. Then I realize what had happened to me, is like the story of the five wise and foolish virgins. I did not bring enough oil that day. I lack the oil of patience to wait that others possess. They waited patiently even if it seems the ticket link will not appear soon. We all go through the same situation each day in one way or another. We know God’s plan and purposes in our lives; however, we are easily distracted by delays. We see temporary delays as a permanent rejection.
As if His plans will not come or unfold. We easily lose hope and abandon His great plan. But that should not be the case, we need extra oil each day to be able to reach God’s goal. The amount of extra oil we have is the amount of faith we have in believing that His plan for our lives will be fulfilled. If the Israelite’s stopped marching in the 6th day around Jericho because nothing happened, where would this nation be? If Joseph lost hope in the dungeon and blamed God, instead of trusting Him, he would not have been the governor of Egypt and saved his nation from famine. If I gave up courting Kim, my wife, on the 4th month and 21 days, we would have never been married and missed this best in my life! We all face temporary setbacks and delays in our life. But this could be a part of the plan of an all-knowing and an all-powerful God. These are enough reasons for us to trust Him for He knows what’s best for us. David knew how to wait for God, as he says in Ps 40:1 “I waited patiently for the Lord,.. and He heard my cry”. Jesus also knew how to wait as He commanded his disciples to always watch and pray.
Do you feel you are waiting too long enough on the fulfillment of God’s plan in your life? Do not lose hope, keep on waiting and keep on believing! Bring an extra oil of patience to wait, of courage to believe, and strength to never give up no matter what. Who knows, maybe you are now just a few seconds away.
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